Things I've Learned
My journey as a writer started a short 3 years ago when a friend taught me that writers aren't superheroes, but real people just like me. That was the 1st time I really considered taking the crazy story ideas I'd come up with in my dreams and shaping them into a novel of my own. Not having a creative writing education, I had no idea where to start. So I took the standard 5 paragraph structure used in writing my term papers in college for my political science degree (you know what I'm talking about: the introductory 1st paragraph that includes the thesis statement, followed by the middle 3 paragraph body, and ending with the last paragraph conclusion) and began writing my first novel. Go ahead and laugh, you know you want to. *sheepish grin* I knew no other way. It never occurred to me that they have manuals that tell you all about plotting a novel at the bookstore. *shrug* I'm sure you won't be surprised to find out that about 150 pages in, I got lost. I ...