Is a MS really ever finished?
When is a MS really finished? I've been working on my epic fantasy for 2.5 years and though I love the story, I see another major re-write staring me in the face. The logical part of my brain understands that this is just the process of perfecting my story, but the impatient side isn't happy. I feel like a contradictory mix of emotion. I love these characters and don't want my time with them to end, but I have other stories and other characters calling to me as well. Yeah, yeah, I know. I just want my story to be the best it can be. If that means a ton more edits and a couple more re-writes so be it. But what if I'm over-thinking it? What if I'm being too critical and it doesn't need to be re-written to the level that I'm afraid it might? Ugh, I HATE indecision. I hate being unsure. I think I need to seriously consider joining Ninja Alex's ISWG. Is a MS really ever finished? Are you a part of the ISWG? How long have you been working on y...