My 7 year old sounds like a teen...and it's my fault! Plus, Fallen Soldier Memorial Statue
I'm a light gamer. I say 'light' because I don't play all the time, I don't care about building a community of gamer friends, and I'm not obsessive about gaming. Most gamers probably wouldn't even consider me to be one of them. I use gaming as a place to go when I need an escape when I'm between good book series. I play Guild Wars 2 on the computer occasionally, I like Minecraft, and I love pulling out the old Playstation 2 to play Dark Cloud 2. I like playing PvZ: Garden Warfare on Xbox with my kiddo and Candy Crush and Doombad on my iPhone. Like I said, 'light' gamer is definitely a good description for me. My 7 year old, however, is well on his way to being a serious gamer. He already knows more than I do. Lately, his favorite thing is to watch videos on YouTube by his favorite little teenage gamers. He thinks these teenagers and their melodramatic antics as one of their characters is destroyed and must be respawned, is hilarious. It...