"What If?" Fairytale Blogfest

Today begins the "What If?" Fairytale Blogfest and I am excited to share my entry. I have had it picked out since Morgan Shamy first announced it, so imagine my surprise upon checking out her page to find that she had picked the same fairy tale. Great minds think alike! She went the way of the love story, but I am of a little darker bent and chose to join Team Tragedy. I hope you enjoy my little 300 word piece. 

What if the queen hadn't figured out Rumplestiltskin's name by the end of the 3rd day?

My Scene(exactly 300 words) 

 The ominous beat of the drums vibrated the ground beneath her feet as Queen Serena made her way toward the platform that floated amid the sea of silent spectators. Head high, she fought against the weight of her grief even as her tears made glistening tracks down her cheeks. She could feel the King’s gaze boring into her, his words at discovering the reason for their missing child imprinted in her mind forever.
          “What kind of woman barters her child to save her own life? You are a liar and a fraud, undeserving of being called queen or the mother of a prince.”
She reached the platform and turned to face the balcony overlooking the crowd.  
The drums stopped as the king stood. “Queen Serena, you are guilty of lying to your king, of false claims, and of arranging to have the heir to the kingdom kidnapped. The punishment for these charges is death by beheading. Have you any last words?” 
She met the cold eyes of her once beloved King and remembered when those same eyes filled with desire, amusement, and love for her. At her silence, the King gestured for the execution to commence. 
She knelt before the box and bent at the waist until the rough grain of the wood pressed into her cheek. As the sound of steel sliding free echoed around the courtyard, the queen broke her silence. “If I could go back, knowing where this would end, I would make the same choice.” The air whistled as the sword swung toward her, but she continued to speak. “Having you love me and having these few precious months with our son is worth the price.” 
            Her last thought was relief as the King surged to his feet, his grief and love written across his face.

So that's it! I hope you like my little "What if?" flash fiction.


  1. Wow! That brought tears to my eyes. So moving! You did a great job :)

  2. Sabrina! Who are you?!?!?! LOL! That was totally tragic in an awesome way! Loved your writing. And great story! Great minds DO think alike! Love the way you took this! :D

    1. Oh, you know, just your typical, slightly odd, but really fun to hang around, writer! Hehehehe. Glad you liked it.

  3. Wow. That was gripping. Good job, Sabrina. :)

    1. Thanks, Linda. I didn't want to stop at 300 words.

  4. Ahhh! A perfect WHAT IF question, and the tale to follow. WOW! Very tragic and gripping. :(

  5. Gah! What a heart-ripper. Lovely imagery, I could see it all right up to the moment of the King's regret. Lovely writing. Well done.

  6. WOW! That was amazing and completely tragic. Great job :)

    1. Thanks, lady! I tend to write a little dark, though this usually surprises those that know me.

  7. Much as it would have been... nailed it! :)

  8. Dying to know- did he make it on time? But alas, I don't think so. Great twist.
    A2Z Mommy and What’s In Between

  9. Ooh, you really made me feel for her! Very nicely done. Love the ambiguous ending too - did he stop the execution?

    1. That is something that we may never know...but then again, I might just finish this story someday.

  10. Great job! How tragic for all involved. I can definitely see this ending being realistic for the story.

  11. Wow. I'm wondering too if he stopped it in time.

  12. Damn, Sabrina, this was incredibly enticing! Love the little twist you did.

    Gosh, I'm so sorry I didn't get a chance to join this blogfest. Things have been so hard as of late and I'm barely bobbing above water right now. But next time! Oh, you had best believe I'll join the next one.

    Have a great day!

    1. Ah, sorry you missed it. I truly look forward to seeing what you come up with for the next one.

  13. Felicitations on winning! Great job!

  14. That was stunning! And with an excellent cliff hanger! Congratulations!

  15. Congrats on winning Team Tragedy's award... Excellent work, I'm well impressed.

    Can I talk you into Comedy next year :)

    1. LOL! You just never know what I will come up with, especially with a whole year to think about it! Hehehe!

  16. Definitely deserving of the top prize. Congratulations Sabrina!!


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