This Week I Am Feeling A Little Evil

I decided to take this week off from the huge project that is my current manuscript. I need time to clear my mind and gain some perspective. At the same time, I definitely do NOT want to stop writing.

So I shall write my first short story.

I typically don't care for short stories, because they are evil. By evil, I mean they start in the beginning of some issue without giving any back story. They usually end before anything is really resolved and gloat on the life lesson they have taught you along the way. That totally drives me crazy as a reader. I must be a glutton for punishment though, because I continue to read them.

This week I am feeling a little evil. *grin*

I started my own short story and should have it finished tomorrow. I will, of course, let my few chosen critics read it for me and pass judgement. I am excited to see if I nailed the torture that is the short story or if I missed the mark by a mile. I'll be sure to share my lovely critic's opinions when I get them.

For now, I hope that even when your current MS has you stumped you won't quit writing. Rather, switch to something completely different for awhile. You'll be amazed at how refreshing it is. I sure am.

