The Versatile Blogger Award! Thank You!

Thank you to Kate OMara over at When Kate Blogs for awarding me The Versatile Blogger award for my post What Makes A Novel YA? I am so honored. 

Instructions for the Award

1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Include a link to their blog.
3. Paste the award on your blog.
4. Share 7 things about yourself. 
5. Pass this award on to as many as 15 blogs you enjoy reading and let them know about the award.

Seven Things About Me

1. When not writing, I enjoy being a mom to the most beautiful 5 year old boy. 
2. My favorite flavor combo is coconut and chocolate. (Almond Joy...yummm!)
3. I like to happy dance when things go my way.
4. My theme song is Anything But Ordinary by Avril Lavigne...and yes, sometimes I am so weird I freak myself out...hehehe. 
5. I enjoy making those around me laugh.
6. I blame God for my blessings...and thank him for them everyday. *grin*
7. I am afraid of having my recently submitted manuscript either rejected or accepted.

Those I'm passing The Award To

2. Bess Weatherby @It's the world, dear
3. Johanna Garth @ Losing Sanity
4. Heather Davis @ Minivan Momma
5. Lynda R. Young @ W.I.P. It

Thanks so much for the award, Kate!!!!


  1. Ohhhh... good luck on your submission!!!! Gaaaah... it's sooooo HARD to wait... lots of Almond Joys... that will help ;)

    Sab, thanks SO MUCH for the shout out! Gosh, means a lot. And way fun to get to know more about you--laughing at number 6 ;)

    1. Sadly, I have given up my dear, sweet Toblerone and Almond Joys for the next 6 weeks while I participate in a Biggest Loser Challenge with some friends. I have 20 stubborn pounds that need to go bye-bye!

      You are welcome, Sweet friend!

  2. Congrats! And thanks for the award:) ima go check out that Avrile song. I love "keep holding on"

    1. Avril is my preferred singer to workout to. I can kick some 5K butt with her song,!

      You are too welcome!

  3. Fingers crossed for you on your submission and I share your deep love of Almond Joys!

    Thanks for the award!!

    1. Only mint with chocolate comes close to the exquisite flavor of the coconut and chocolate!

      You are welcome, lady!

  4. :) Always happy to share with other writers :)

  5. yes!! coconut and chocolate are THE best!

    COngrats on your award and thanks so much for passing it on :)

  6. Coconut? Chocolate? Nom nom nom. Congrats on the award, and hope your submission goes well!! :D


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