I've been talking in my sleep again...

The hubs likes to tell people about how I used to talk in my sleep most nights until I started writing my 1st novel. These days, he can tell when I've been neglecting my writing too much, because I start talking again.

The last 2 nights I have had seriously bizarre dreams. For the 1st, I had to have seen a clip of the movie, Alien3 while flipping through TV channels, because my dream starred a woman giving birth to an alien baby. I spent the entire dream wondering how in the heck she got pregnant by an alien in the first place, just like I did way back when I watched that movie. *I cringe just admitting that this was one of my dreams* The 2nd night's dream was even more bizarre, but I don't think I'll share that one because it gave me a super cool idea for a sci-fi novel I'd like to write in the future. *wink*

The truth is, the reason I talk in my sleep is because I have vivid dreams. And my dreams are speaking to me, telling me one very important thing...I haven't been writing enough the last few days. *sheepish grin* I helped host a baby shower this weekend and the days leading up to it while I feverishly created centerpieces, banners, and cupcakes, left me no time to even think about any of my 3 W.I.Ps.

Now, while a break from writing is a good thing for fresh perspective and all that and it did lead to a new story idea...there is also such thing as too much of a good thing. My dreams are letting me know that the break better be over, or I am going to have a grumpy hubs, *laughs* and an even more bizarre dream.

So, I spent several hours adding some awesome material to my W.I.P. today, and my mind is wrung out. I bet we all sleep well tonight.
How about some alien love?
Have your dreams produced any potential novel ideas? Do you talk in your sleep? What was the craziest/weirdest dream you've ever had?


  1. I hae very, very vivid dreams with complete conversations and tons of details. Once I dreamed that my hubby had been arrested for murder and the entire next day, I wondered if I should sell the house in order to pay for stuff since he was going to be in prison.

    1. LOL...you crack me up, Heather! Very practical thinking for sure.

  2. I don't usually dream too much, but I do know that my best ideas come right as I'm about to fall asleep! Not sure if it's because my mind is relaxed, but it's sure annoying! LOL. :D

    1. Oh, I do hate when that happens because then it becomes a matter of how much you want to sleep over how badly you want to get up and write that down. I bet you have a pad of paper and pencil by your bed don't ya?!

  3. Oh, you bet! I have two story premises provided by dreams. I attribute the nature of the dreams to the combination of Vanilla Bean ice cream, chocolate syrup and pecans.

    Unfortunately I have 35+ stories in premise and just working on the 4th story of my 19 story mythology. Now I need to learn to write in my dream. Maybe a Margarita is the right combination of chemicals.

    1. Inspired by food is a good way to be! I think the margarita sounds good in theory, but in practice it might not work out so well. Personal opinion, of course. ;-)

  4. I don't have vivid, idea-rich dreams. (My blog, partner, Tyler-Rose does, though!) When I remember my dreams, they're usually just very obvious symbolic representations of things I'm worried about. :)

    It's really interesting how different writers react differently to not writing! I tend to just get angry, depressed, and frustrated.

    1. Then I wish you many, dream-less nights in your future.

      And yes, it is interesting.

  5. I dream all the time, except when I'm going on extended periods of exhaustion. And like Morgan I get all my best ideas just before I drift off to sleep. I'll scribble them down in the middle of the night on a note pad kept on my night stand. (:

    1. When a dream wakes me up, I might as well get up because even if I write it down on a notepad by my bed, my brain won't shut back off. Glad you don't have this problem.

  6. Aaah! I find aliens seriously creepy!
    As for dreams, though ... I don't usually have novel-worthy dreams. More just really random scenes that I can't remember properly!

    1. I agree, they are super creepy. It was a doozy of a dream for sure.

  7. I've had lots of very vivid, novel-worthy dreams. Usually I let them simmer in the back of my mind for a couple of months to see if they stick. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. :)

    1. My brain must be cooking up something good this time. Despite getting back into my writing AND one night of sound sleep, I am back to dreaming. All these recent dreams seem to be sci-fi related. Since I have only written pure fantasy up to this point, it promises to be interesting.


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