Guest posting and Blog Award

I am excited this week because I'll be guest posting over on the brand new Oklahoma Women Bloggers fabulous blog on Tuesday! I was so honored to have OKWB mediator(is this the right word?) and bloggy friend, Heather Davis ask me to post for their inaugural month to kick things off. Are you a woman blogger in Oklahoma? Check it out and get to know other bloggers in our area! The theme for this month is "All Things New" so I'll be talking about my newest project, an MG novel about a boy who embarks on an adventure to discover who he is after he falls into the sea and turns into a merboy. There is even a  tiny excerpt that my 6 year old suggested I share.

I've also had the honor of being nominated by Emma L. Adams over at From the Writer's Nest for the Liebster Blog Award. This award is given to newer bloggers with less than 200 members and the purpose is to get to know them since we think they deserve it. Liebster is German for favorite. So essentially I've received the Favorite Blog Award! How cool is that!?! So without further ado, here are the rules:

1) Tell 11 things about yourself.
2) Answer 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you.
3) Post 11 questions for those who will be nominated by you.
4) Nominate 11 (I've chosen 5) bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
5) Get in contact with those 11 bloggers to inform them that you nominated them.

So I guess, here goes...

11 Things About Me
      1. Most people don't realize how short I am at 5'0" until they get right next to me and have to look way down. I like to say it's because I have a 10' tall personality!
      2. I own a trophy company.
      3. I like my tea English syle.
      4. I love to scrapbook, but don't have time for it anymore. :-(
      5. This is the first year I didn't make my son's birthday cake myself. Two words: Trophy company
      6. I don't watch very much t.v.
      7. I love playing Yatzee.
      8. I've kept a journal since I was 14.
      9. I've received 4 rejections so far for my 1st MS. Rejections suck.
     10. I'm a list person
     11. I love cheap wine...Blackberry Arbor Mist, anybody?

Questions from Emma:
      1. What inspired you to start to write? Two things simultaneously, I read Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn Trilogy and I met my writer friend Ang and realized that writers were 'normal' people too.
      2. Which writers do you most admire? Brandon Sanderson, Kate Forsyth, Laurell K. Hamilton, and James Rollins.
      3. Which are your all time fave books? The Well of Ascension (Mistborn #3) by Brandon Sanderson, I could go on and on with others, but that one has impacted me the most.
      4. How do you like to spend your free time? With family, writing, or reading
      5. Fave movie? I love Cruel Intentions.
      6. Where would you love to travel to? Rome, Greece, Egypt
      7. Fave music to listen to when writing? The Eli Young Band, Muse, Paramore
      8. What are you reading now? Steve Berry's The Emperor's Tomb
      9. Tell me a random fact. I don't like milk.
     10. Your hopes for this year? To not get rejected by every agency I submit to.
     11. What inspires you? Faith in God

The People I nominate are:

Erin York, Melanie Lewis, Angela Christina Archer, Elise Fallson, Elisabeth Kaufman, and Jessica Marcarelli

My questions for those I nominate

      1. What is your current project about in one sentence?
      2. How long have you been working on it?
      3. What time of day do you prefer to write?
      4. What is one non-writing hobby?
      5. What is your fave munchy when you are writing?
      6. What is your favorite quote?
      7. Tablet or paper book?
      8. How many rejections have you received?
      9. Where do you write?
    10. Do you have rituals you must do before beginning to write?
    11. What is one of your most favorite books?

Whew! That was long, but I am done. I hope you enjoyed it.


  1. From one short woman to another, High 5!
    Enjoyed reading your answers, but sorry about the rejections, I know they suck. Keep trying though, you never know when that first request will come in. And thanks you for passing on the award! (:

  2. No, not the cheap wine!
    Congratulations on the award - and your upcoming guest post.


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