Trophies, Conferences, and Contests...Business as usual!

One year ago, I was high on motivation after a successful writer's conference as my fingers flew over the keys on my MS. My days consisted of writing, playdates, grocery runs, and chores. That has all changed!

My life in a single snapshot!

Today, my life is much different. I haven't worked on my MS in 2 weeks and this posts ends a 2-week hiatus from my blog. (I hope you've missed me!) Gone are the days of doing what I want, when I want. I own a trophy company now, though I did manage to make it to my local writing conference this year. And while I am definitely motivated in my writing, it's going to have to wait. You see, for all of you without children and so unfamiliar with the end of school awards season, I am neck deep in alligators.

Despite the fun I had at the conference and the ideas for improving my MS running through my head, I have to shelf that for the next week and a half and concentrate on meeting deadlines. :-( I pray that these next couple of weeks fly by. I'm pretty sure I'm more ready for school to be out for the summer than my 6 year old is. I'll never take my writing time for granted again!!! I plan to make up for the lack of writing in the months of April and May this summer with a new novella project that I'm really excited to work on. I hope to share news about it this fall!

Before I go back to work on the next order due, I want to share the good news I received!!!!

Earlier this spring I entered the Vine Leaves Literary Journal's vignette contest(though submissions are being accepted through May 31st). This is my first ever attempt at writing something other than genre fiction. Last week, I received an email saying I had been picked as one of 17 favorites from which 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be chosen. *fist pump* The grand prize is a free pass to the Homeric Writer's Retreat in Greece this August. You can see why I took a chance and submitted my very first literary piece. I think I've read the email informing me about my place in the top 17 about a dozen and one times. *sheepish grin* Wish me luck!

Anyone else feel like a raw steak hanging over a pit of hungry alligators? I'm looking for a couple of good writers blog challenges for this summer, has anyone heard of any I should know about?


  1. EEEE, congratulations, that is awesome news! I will keep my fingers crossed for you, because I know how much you could use a writer's retreat! (You've been a busy lady, sheesh!)

    I don't know of any writing blog challenges this summer (yet), but if I come across any, I will let you know!

  2. Congrats on (starting? buying?) a company! That is exciting stuff! And a BIG congrats on getting so far in the vignette contest!, would that be cool... :)


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