Father's Day: My Fave Fictional Fathers
Is there anything sexier than a man who is a great dad? A man with children who's eyes light up when they see him. A man who will get down in the floor and play with his children for hours without complaint? A man who makes his children a priority, NOT an afterthought?
I don't think so either. I'm lucky enough to have married that sort of man. The bond my son has with his dad is special, silly, full of pranks, and unbreakable. Though I'm often the target of those pranks, it makes my heart so happy to hear my son's innocent laughter when they are putting something ornery together and don't think I can hear them.
So, it really shouldn't be any surprise that I also love reading about good fathers. So this post is going to highlight some of my favorite fictional daddys. If you haven't read the books they feature in, then you haven't been following me long, or you haven't been listening, because they come from a few of my favorite books/series.

#1: Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Perhaps one of my most favorite books of all time, it is Atticus and his unwavering moral backbone that insists on seeing things from more than his own point of view that made him one of my favorite fiction fathers. AND he makes sure to teach this skill to his children. If everyone was as wise, patient, and determined to do the right thing, this world would be a much better place.
#2: Anthony Kyriakus & Leon Kyriakus from the paranormal romance Psy/Changeling Series by Nalini Singh
Born into a Silent Psy world, they nevertheless loved their children and created bonds with them no matter the expectations of the fertility contracts. Anthony was a quiet member of the rebellion that worked tirelessly to save those suffering under the ruling coalitions cruel rule and would go to any lengths to keep them safe. Leon never stopped looking for his daughter after she was taken. And his love for her shown through even Silence when she was returned to him. Anthony & Leon will always be two of my favorite fantasy fathers.
#3: Mr. Lancaster from The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
Father of main character, Hazel Grace, Mr. Lancaster influences his daughter's perspective on life. Suffering from cancer which has jaded her, she mocks him for being more emotional, especially during hard times, but she also acknowledges that he is a wise man. He also doesn't overly cosset her, showing a willingness to call her out when she is out of line. Most importantly, she knows he loves her and her mother. I can't imagine being a parent with a child in this situation and I admire Mr. Lancaster for how he manages to still be a good parent while suffering from what I imagine is a crushing fear for his child.
Award-Winning Author, Sabrina A. Fish, lives in Oklahoma with her husband, son, and two cats. She & her hubbie own a trophy company, where she collects names for her novels from lists of award recipients. She loves all things chocolate and her husband is sweet enough to never let the candy dish near her computer become empty.
I don't think so either. I'm lucky enough to have married that sort of man. The bond my son has with his dad is special, silly, full of pranks, and unbreakable. Though I'm often the target of those pranks, it makes my heart so happy to hear my son's innocent laughter when they are putting something ornery together and don't think I can hear them.
So, it really shouldn't be any surprise that I also love reading about good fathers. So this post is going to highlight some of my favorite fictional daddys. If you haven't read the books they feature in, then you haven't been following me long, or you haven't been listening, because they come from a few of my favorite books/series.

#1: Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Perhaps one of my most favorite books of all time, it is Atticus and his unwavering moral backbone that insists on seeing things from more than his own point of view that made him one of my favorite fiction fathers. AND he makes sure to teach this skill to his children. If everyone was as wise, patient, and determined to do the right thing, this world would be a much better place.
#2: Anthony Kyriakus & Leon Kyriakus from the paranormal romance Psy/Changeling Series by Nalini Singh
Born into a Silent Psy world, they nevertheless loved their children and created bonds with them no matter the expectations of the fertility contracts. Anthony was a quiet member of the rebellion that worked tirelessly to save those suffering under the ruling coalitions cruel rule and would go to any lengths to keep them safe. Leon never stopped looking for his daughter after she was taken. And his love for her shown through even Silence when she was returned to him. Anthony & Leon will always be two of my favorite fantasy fathers.
#3: Mr. Lancaster from The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
Father of main character, Hazel Grace, Mr. Lancaster influences his daughter's perspective on life. Suffering from cancer which has jaded her, she mocks him for being more emotional, especially during hard times, but she also acknowledges that he is a wise man. He also doesn't overly cosset her, showing a willingness to call her out when she is out of line. Most importantly, she knows he loves her and her mother. I can't imagine being a parent with a child in this situation and I admire Mr. Lancaster for how he manages to still be a good parent while suffering from what I imagine is a crushing fear for his child.
So there you go. If you haven't read any of these books, I would encourage you to do so. They are fantastic. If you have any books with fabulous fathers that you think I should read, do comment below and let me know!
Award-Winning Author, Sabrina A. Fish, lives in Oklahoma with her husband, son, and two cats. She & her hubbie own a trophy company, where she collects names for her novels from lists of award recipients. She loves all things chocolate and her husband is sweet enough to never let the candy dish near her computer become empty.
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