IWSG: Happy Birth-Month to me, Unreal Expectations, and Dream Writing Spot

All writers are insecure at various times throughout their writing journey and I'm definitely no different. So I've joined in on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. The 1st Wednesday of each month I'll post about the insecurities I've been struggling with and/or conquered, and answer that month's IWSG question.

It's September! Happy Birth-Month to me! It seems perfect, then, to talk about unrealistic and unmet expectations, because I'm good at setting them and then being disappointed in myself. You'd think that after "almost" 37 years, I'd understand that I hate the editing process, am prone to procrastination of those things I don't care for, and to give myself twice the time I'd like to complete such tasks.

You'd think. *sigh* But apparently, this isn't the case.

I'm STILL working on edits for Diomere's Mercenary. Edits I'd hoped to have completed by September 1st. Here this day is and I'm far from finished. The negative voices are there. They like telling me I'm never going to be successful if I don't learn to love editing, that I'll never get this series finished, and that I'm too big of a procrastinator to ever get more than one book done a year.

And just like every time these doubts rear their head, I clench my teeth and tell them to shut it. I remind myself that I get better, faster, and need edit fewer number of drafts with each book.

Now if I didn't have 4 other projects that are begging to be written...which would be infinitely more fun than editing!

IWSG Questions of the Month
If you could pick one place in the world to sit and write your next story,
where would it be and why?

My dream writing spot would be in a secluded mountain cabin overlooking Lake Tahoe in Nevada. The hubs and I were married there and I fell in love with the area. One day I hope to own a vacation home with a writing cave that includes a picture window overlooking the lake.

Do most writers hate editing or is this just me? Do you have a birthday this month? Virgo or Libra? Have you been to Lake Tahoe? The Cali or Nevada side? Isn't it just beautiful?!

Sabrina A. Fish is an Award-Winning Fantasy & Romance Author from Oklahoma where she lives with her husband, son, and two cats. She's currently trying to talk her husband into building her a backyard writing she shed and hopes that mentioning it here will express how serious that wish is! LOL. You can learn more about her and her books by visiting her website: www.SabrinaAFish.com

Spread the Positive Vibes! Do you make it your life mission to be a cheerleader to others? Want to spread some positive energy? Check out some of the other writers participating in this hop and leave them an encouraging comment. It may not seem like much, but I promise, it means SO much to us artist types!


  1. I think most writers dislike editing to some degree. Some actually hate it, so you're not alone, and it doesn't mean you're not a writer.

    Having your own little place to write would be great. Keep working on Hubs and you'll eventually get one.

    1. It is always nice to know you're not alone in something like this, no doubt. And yes, the hubs and I are in total agreement that this would be fabulous.


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