ISWG: November - NaNoWriMo to the Rescue

All writers are insecure at various times throughout their writing journey and I'm definitely no different. So I've joined in on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. The 1st Wednesday of each month I'll post about the insecurities I've been struggling with and/or conquered, and answer that month's IWSG question.

I recently submitted the 3rd book in The Gate Keeper Chronicles to my editor. And now the waiting begins. I don't know about all of you, but this is always the point where I second guess myself while I wait for my editor to read the book and tell me what she thinks.

It's torture!

My editor is amazing and I'm not at all scared of her...sort of...😆😆😆

Thank goodness this month is NaNoWriMo. I'm channeling all my worry toward completing a prequel novella for this same series. After all, I'm going to worry regardless, so I might as well make it productive worrying.

What do you do while waiting to hear what someone thinks of your new book?

IWSG Questions of the Month
What's the strangest thing you've ever Googled in researching a story?

Let me preface my answer with a reminder: I write Fantasy...and Romance... So, when I created shape-shifting creatures for my steamy fantasy romance novel, I needed to first figure out if the half human/half "magical being" would be possible. For example, in Diomere's Healer, I mentioned a half-breed Naga/Human offspring. A Naga is a creature with a human top half and a snake bottom half. I didn't know the first thing about snake physiology, so I looked it up. And, in fact, some species of snakes DO have penis/vagina physiology. In fact, these snakes have TWO penises, so they can get it on, then when one penis finishes, the snake can flip over and immediately insert the other....👀👀👀... Not that I was planning to write any human/snake sex, but I had to know if it was POSSBILE! Now I know...and so do you! You are so welcome! LOL

Do you get nervous each time you turn a book into your editor? Share with me and let me know I'm not alone. And how about that IWSG question of the month? It's one of my favorite research stories to tell. Did you know there were snakes with penises? Talk about overachievers! LOL!!

Please remember to visit the other contributors in the Insecure Writers Support Group via the Linky list below. Encouragement is really nice when doubts have you in a stranglehold!

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  1. Hi,
    I am right at the point. I have sent out my first manuscript and I am waiting on an answer before I send it out to two other people.
    Wishing you all the best with your new book and a lovely month of November.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  2. Now I know more about snake sex than I ever wanted to know...

  3. OMG! Why would anyone need two penises!!!!
    However, that would make a really interesting story, but maybe not one I would like to tell. That was weird and fascinating.
    I haven't turn in anything yet, but soon, I hope. Good luck with your manuscript!


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