Exercise and Editing

Last night I struggled to find motivation for my usual evening walk. I just wasn't feeling it. I wanted to plant my rear on the couch, eat another bowl of the homemade butterfinger  icrecream I had made the night before, and play on Facebook or watch a show. Definitely not one of my more shining moments. *laughs*

You know you'd have a hard time choosing a walk over this, too!!
Then I started thinking about the domino effect that would commence if I skipped the walk. One night of skipping would lead to another and another until all the progress I've made would go out the window like waste from a medieval chamber pot.  

This struggle struck me as extremely familiar and I realized only a couple of weeks before, I had struggled with lack of motivation to write because I knew I had edits that needed done. 

I HATE editing. Finding all the places I've made some grammar mistake, become repetitive, contradicted myself, or basically forgotten how to spell, really irritates me. I know I have to do it, but it doesn't mean I have to like it and it definitely doesn't bode well for my motivation.

However, I also know from experience that if I skip a week of working on it, one week will lead to another and another until it's been a month and I have made no progress.

So as you can imagine, I got my rear up and walked, just as I made myself work on edits until they were done. Now I have a finished MS and am down 6 pounds. WOOT!

Life is good!

What is your fave kind of homemade icecream? Any accomplishments you'd like to brag about? I love handing out praise!


  1. Great work friend! Motivation is the hardest thing to come by when procrastination is so much easier!

  2. Awesome sauce! Keep up the determination... it inspires me to get my hiney in gear as well!

  3. Congratulations! Good for you--those are both huge accomplishments! And I am inspired as well. :D

    I laughed when I read the title of this post and saw the bowl of DELICIOUS-looking ice cream. It just seemed so familiar haha :)

    1. Glad you can identify with my dilemma! And for the record, that ice cream is AMAZING!!

  4. Good for you, Sabrina. And I love what Janice said about motivation and procrastination. :)

  5. Ohhhhh... you rock, Sabrina! Nice work! Seriously, I'm not sure which feeling is better, LOL... the pounds or the finished MS! :D

    1. You know, I'm really not sure either, but the high I am feeling while experiencing them both at the same time is A-mazing! *cheesy-grin*

  6. That's totally inspiring! Sometimes that bowl of ice cream (or game of solitaire in the case of writing) wins me over. But dedication is what it takes to make your dreams come true!

    1. My 'solitaire' is bejeweled blitz on FB. That game is SO addicting!

  7. congrats and thanks for the inspirational story!

  8. Great story! I feel the same way. If I skip a day of writing or exercising or eating healthy, it's SO much easier to just keep skipping . . .

    Congrats on finishing your MS and losing 6 pound! Keep up the good work, girl!

  9. love how you connected exercising and editing! congrats on losing 6 pounds and congrats on finishing your manuscript as well!

    1. Thanks! I have my moments of genius...hehehehe. Thanks for visiting.

  10. I've found the same thing for me. If I have editing to do, I'll likely just avoid writing/editing. That Butterfinger ice cream looks divine! I've been craving Peanut Butter Fudge Ice Cream. However, my favorite ice cream created home, so far, was fresh strawberry ice cream. Yum! I guess my biggest accomplishment has been submitting some poems for publication. We'll see how that goes!

    1. OH, peanut butter fudge ice cream? I must find that recipe!

      Congrats on submitting those poems!


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