Parts In A Novel

One of my writer friends recently read my complete novel for the first time. She loved it, of course. *grin* However, like any great critique group buddy, she had suggestions for me. One of those suggested figuring a way to break up my novel into 'parts' to help the reader realize that years are passing.

 In theory, I understand what she meant, but I wasn't sure how to actually go about doing it. So I turned to my trusty Google and this is the very helpful site it found for me.

Anatomy of a Novel

So I thought I'd share it with others of my writers friends who might understand something in a theoretical way, but like me, might need more of an explanation.

In other news, my husband and I are in the process of becoming entrepreneurs. We are buying a company called Award Solutions. So beginning in about 2 weeks or so, if you are in Oklahoma and looking to purchase trophies, medals, certificates, name tags, plaques, or anything else listed on the website, give us a call and support this fun new venture.

What is your favorite writerly reference site? Are you up to anything new? Do you own your own business(aside from writing) and have any hard won nuggets of wisdom to share with us as we embark on this new adventure?


  1. Congrats on completing a novel, I'm still slogging away on a plot line worthy of being written. I will certainly be checking out your link.

    Good luck with your new business venture. I wish you every success

    Regards Nicky

    1. Thanks so much! Glad I could pass on the valuable info.

  2. My favorite site is Bookshelf Muse and their Character Trait entries. I've used them countless times for reference.
    Wishing you the best of luck on your new business venture. How exciting!

    1. I'll have to check that out. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Ooooo... Good luck with the business! Sounds like an adventure! My favorite writing sites are querytracker and absolute write water cooler. ;)

    1. Thanks for sharing, sweet friend! After some tense negotiating, we are excited to be taking over the business next week. Woot!

  4. What SEO said up there. ;) (Not really - wouldn't it be awful if your job consisted of searching and spamming blogs?)

    I have tons of favorite writing sites, but my favorite thing to do (old school) is to keep a journal of what I really like about a certain piece I've read.

    Congrats on a finished novel - not get busy querying!

    1. Yes, I just saw that and need to go in and delete. I also keep a journal.

  5. Congrats on the novel and the business venture, Sabrina!


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